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Winter semester 2022 - 2 courses are coming to an end...

After 2 successful Java Beginners courses this semester, we are packing up our laptops for now.💻 But only until the next courses in the coming summer! And not before we presented the participants with their certificates📜 for the successfully passed course and enjoyed the traditional food from their home country brought by the participants - in the words of one tutor "diabetes", because there was a lot of baklava and Ukrainian pastries.🍰

During the courses, our participants learned the basics of Java programming, a valuable skill that can open up a world of opportunities for them. But it was not just about the technical aspect of things, the courses also provided a sense of community and belonging for our participants. The social event at the end was a perfect opportunity for everyone to converse, have food and drinks together, and build relationships beyond the classroom setting.

For us tutors, the experience was fulfilling in more ways than one. Seeing our participants learn was an incredible feeling. It is fun to see their enthusiasm for the subject and their eagerness to continue learning. We were also able to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures, which made the experience all the more enriching.

Overall, EduRef's Java Beginner courses have been a great opportunity for us to give back to society and make a positive contribution. It is a privilege to be part of such an incredible cause and we hope that we can continue to improve the lives of many people in the future.

But our mission is far from over. While we support refugees and migrants and help them reach their full potential, we are always looking for new motivated students to join us as course instructors next semester!

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